Wonderful Schilcherland
1. May 2019
Monastery Renovation – “It’s done!”
1. August 2023Consecration of the “To the Holy Guardian Angel” Monastery Church

After a comprehensive renovation of the interior, a solemn inauguration of the monastery church "Zum Heiligen Schutzengel" took place. The Holy Mass was given by the popular Diocesan Bishop Mag. Dr. Wilhelm Krautwaschl. He was assisted by our Pastor Mag. Anton Lierzer and the Capuchin Father Albert. Mayor Mag. Karlheinz Schuster, the artist responsible for the color concept Bruno Wildbach, delegates as well as delegations of all associations of the greater Swanberg area were welcomed. The Marktmusikkapelle Schwanberg, under the direction of Mag. Kurt Mörth, and the organist Karl Schmelzer-Ziringer, provided the festive musical framework for this mass. After this exceptionally solemn ceremony, the members of Schwanberg scouts invited all church visitors to the Agape in front of the monastery church. The invited guests of honor were pampered with an excellent lunch at the Pater-Wolfgang-Stüberl at Heilmoorbad.
After almost one year of renovation work, the monastery church now shines in new splendor and can be opened to the public again for trade fairs and festivities.Photos: Ortner Christa