Inpatient Treatments

The Heilmoorbad Schwanberg offers you the perfect ambience. The medical treatment, as it has been offered in our house for over 50 years, serves to maintain your physical and mental well-being. The therapeutic measures, the distance from everyday life and the recreational effect are the most important success factors in your treatment. The 21-day treatment stay in our house is mainly suitable for patients with complaints in the range of the musculoskeletal movements, as well as for:

  • Subacute and chronic rheumatic diseases of the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves
  • Arthrosis
  • Spondylosis
  • Chronic and inflammatory gynecological disorder
  • Primary and secondary sterility
  • Local treatment of inflammatory remnants of non tuberculosis
  • Benign prostate disease
  • Aftercare of injury and surgical consequences(Scars cosmetics).

We treat your complaints with:

  • our unique moor baths and peat packs
  • various healing massages
  • Movement therapy
  • Underwater gymnastics
  • Nordic Walking
  • Electrophysical treatments

GVA - The new Treatment

The new Holistic Spa Treatment - Gesundheitsvorsorge Aktiv (GVA) - the federal pension fund sets the focus on exercise optimisation, movement motivation and mental health . In addition to these aspects, we attach great importance to a balanced, healthy and suitable for everyday use diet. The goal is to extend the healthy years of your life and reduce sick leave. Beyond the familiar environment, you can positively change your behaviours related to exercise, diet and stress.

Gesundheitsvorsorge Aktiv (GVA) has a modular structure that allows it to be tailored to individual needs.

Module focus - Motion optimization:
Regular exercise is an essential pillar for a healthy life. Together with you, optimal possibilities are developed to bring more exercise into your daily routine and so to influence your lifestyle positively.

Module focus - Motion motivation:
All healthy people benefit from regular sports activities and a healthy diet. The focus of this module is the promotion of movement motivation as well as the reduction of fears and reservations about exercise and physical activity.

Module Focus - Mental Health:
Overload and stress in work and everyday life, pressure to succeed and lack of time have a direct impact on your quality of life and your health. The group develops health-promoting and disease-avoiding behaviors as well as various relaxation exercises.

Your path to Treatment

If you have complaints or illnesses, the Austrian Social Security can offer an insured treatment or rehabilitation stay.

The following steps are necessary for your stay at HEILMOORBAD SCHWANBERG:

Step 1:
Request Treatment

Please contact your GP or specialist for this. They will fill in the treatment application together with you and will substantiate the medical necessity for your treatment as extensively as possible. As a preferred treatment location, indicate "HEILMOORBAD SCHWANBERG". The treatment application will be sent to your responsible insurance company.

Step 2:
Wait for Approval

If your application for a cure is approved, you, the applicant and we at HEILMOORBAD SCHWANBERG will receive a statement of costs from your insurance carrier as well as the amount of the deductible. If indicated, the insurance provider will approve your desired treatment hotel.

Step 3:
Appointment Recommendation

After the approval, you will receive from us a written appointment proposal of your spa stay with all important information about your treatment by mail. We will reserve a standard single room for you. Changes to this treatment date may only be made for valid reasons.

Step 4:
Treatment begin on Schedule

The accommodation during the 3-week stay in our treatment hotel is standard in a single room.

Goal of your Treatment stay:
  • Prevention of Diseases
  • Reduction of chronic pain
  • Change or improve your lifestyle
  • Maintaining or increasing mobility and performance
  • Maintaining fitness

  • Link/Download:

    Our social insurance contractors

    • Pensionsversicherungsanstalt (PVA)
    • Versicherungsanstalt öffentlich Bediensteter, Eisenbahnen und Bergbau (BVAEB)
    • Sozialversicherungsanstalt der Selbständigen (SVS)
    • Allgemeine Unfallversicherung für Steiermark und Kärnten (AUVA)
    • Versicherung der Tiroler Landesbeamten für stationäre Kuraufenthalte (KUF)
    • Krankenfürsorgeanstalt Graz (KFA)

    As an alternative to the treatment via the social security insurer, we always offer you our attractive PREMIUM package.
    By responding to your individual needs and problems, you will not only get great treatment results, but will also achieve a sustainable change in your lifestyle.

    You can choose between 7, 14 or 21 treatments between a one, two or three week stay, including a medical examination and specially tailored treatments.

    Do something positive for your health

    PREMIUM Treatment Package