1. May 2019
Consecration of the “To the Holy Guardian Angel” Monastery Church
1. June 2019Wonderful Schilcherland

It is a special gem, this Schilcherland, nestled between the Koralpe and the gorge Radlalm, the state border with Slovenia. Nowhere else does alpine pasture, wine and pumpkin come together in such a harmonious way as in the Sulmtal-Koralm / Schilcherland region. Schilcherland is one of the smallest wine regions in Austria. Only in Schilcherland from Gundersdorf via St. Stefan, Greisdorf, Stainz, Bad Gams, Wildbach, Deutschlandsberg, Schwanberg to Eibiswald does the grape variety of the Blue Wildbacher grape find the best soil and suitable climate to flourish excellently. The Schilcherweinstraße connects all Schilcher wine farmers in Western Styria, which you better not all visit in a day.
Whether you succumb to socializing in one of the traditional taverns or want to explore nature in peace - the friendliness of the people and the charm of this untouched environment will enchant you.